So, there’s this funny thing that happens when you go vegan; everyone wants to know where you get your protein. My first response is every single plant on earth contains it. My second is, I’m going straight to the source. Why get hand-me-down protein that comes with a side of cholesterol and cortisol?
Kwashiorkor is the medical term for protein deficiency. You want to know why you’ve never heard if it? Because people aren’t suffering from it on a large scale. Instead, you hear of heart disease, diabetes, and high cholesterol. These are all sicknesses caused by eating animal products. Animal products contain no fiber and even chicken, the”lean”meat, is not actually healthier than beef. What’s more, meat is dyed pink and packaged neatly so that you’ll think it’s fresh. It contains hormones and pesticides from foods the animals were fed.
What about eggs? Did you know egg companies are not legally allowed to say their products are healthy? Eggs are extremely high in colesterol. They are filled with the stuff meant to fatten up a baby chick.
And dairy? Dairy companies have a legal amount of puss and blood that is allowed to remain in their products. These things end up in the milk because of how it is obtained from the animals. That’s right, your bowl of cereal has puss and blood in it. Not quite the nutritious first meal you were expecting, I take it?
And, just like eggs, dairy is high in fat. It’s meant to turn a baby cow into a 1,600-2,400lbs. animal, after all. In addition to that, it contains casein, which is an addictive protein meant to keep baby cows coming back for more. Ever wondered why you can’t stop eating cheese? That’s why.
I’m a giant; my body requires a lot of fuel. And all I eat are plants. Yet, I’m not suffering on this diet. Instead, I’m thriving.
Skip the middle cow and just eat what some of the largest animals on earth eat; plants. Gorillas, elephants, rhinos… they’re all herbivores. They aren’t dying of malnutrition and neither are vegans.
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