
to feel great


to enjoy life


to look great


to eat in abundance


to be healthy

For Health

Many illnesses can be easily prevented, reversed, and cured by changing peoples' internal environment with food meant for us all...

For Animals

In following outdated traditions, many of us greatly underestimate the intelligence, will, and right to live of members of other species...

For Humans

World hunger can be solved if we stop feeding plants to animals for slaughter and, instead, feed starving people what they deserve...

For Earth

Climate change is inevitable but C02 and cattle methane emissions are rapidly decreasing the earth's ability to sustain life...

Lola's Birthday Cake cropped with text

Today’s post comes to you a few days past the regularly scheduled program because it’s a special birthday post!!  And look at this awesome cake my fiancé made for me.  This cake only took him 20 minutes to prepare!  For a slightly different version and directions on how to make one for yourself or loved one, […]

the Raw Vegan Starter Kit

For anyone who is new to raw veganism, is on the fence, knows nothing about veganism, or who is a raw vegan and would like to learn more I have something for you! Below is an extremely thorough Youtube playlist I made addressing reasons behind veganism, benefits, and helpful tips for sustaining this healthy lifestyle. […]

the Coco Jack

I’ve recently discovered an awesome product that makes breaking open a coconut so easy and am excited to offer my readers a 10% discount on this amazing tool! Watch the video, below, to find out how it works and don’t forget to use the promo code RawMess at the checkout. Get 10% OFF of your Coco Jack order […]

the Slow Vegan

If you’ve ever tried to cut any bad habit cold tangerine, you know the possibility of relapsing can be quite high.  We might have great intentions but our bodies and minds are so accustomed to living on the edge that the rebel inside is an expert at tempting us.  However, if you’re in desperate need of a plant-based health makeover […]

Meet the Blogger thumbnail

Hi, my name is Lola (aka Kimberly Lola).  A lover of all things human, earth and animal friendly, I’ve been itching to start a blog that might help others on a similar journey towards a fully healthy and peaceful way of life.  But I’m not going to go on about how perfect I am and how noble and […]

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