
to feel great


to enjoy life


to look great


to eat in abundance


to be healthy

For Health

Many illnesses can be easily prevented, reversed, and cured by changing peoples' internal environment with food meant for us all...

For Animals

In following outdated traditions, many of us greatly underestimate the intelligence, will, and right to live of members of other species...

For Humans

World hunger can be solved if we stop feeding plants to animals for slaughter and, instead, feed starving people what they deserve...

For Earth

Climate change is inevitable but C02 and cattle methane emissions are rapidly decreasing the earth's ability to sustain life...

the Big Chop thumbnail

After five months of growing out my natural hair, and a lifetime of straightening my curls, I finally did the big chop!  Watching videos of other naturalistas who have done the same thing, I really thought I’d be doing this a year or two from now.  That was wishful thinking. Trying to style two different textures […]

the Makeup thumbnail

While I typically don’t wear makeup in my everyday life there are times when I feel like putting on my face, just a little, before leaving the house. When I have a job that requires me to do my makeup I try my best to keep it minimal.  Here are just a few of the […]

What I Eat In A Day Volume II Thumbnail 2

Recently a friend came to visit, with a couple of her other friends, and we got the chance to have some fun adventures.  This is more a what I ate in a few days while I pretended to be on vacation with them. Island Vintage Coffee acai bowl.  Not bad but still not the best […]

the Mono Meal Thumbnail

Despite an overwhelming interest in healthy living, many people in America are still turning to diets to regulate their body weight.  While there are diets that consist of eating only a certain type of food for a prolonged period of time, what is known as a mono meal has gotten confusing publicity within this past year […]

What I Eat In A Day Volume I Thumbnail 2

What I eat in a day videos have become so popular I thought I might as well share my point of view.  These photos are from Snapchat so not the best quality, and certainly not everything I eat in a day, but maybe they’ll give you some ideas on things to make for yourself. First, one of the […]

Raw Mess - the Models thumbnail

Modeling isn’t as easy as it looks.  There are early mornings, late nights. and hours of posing in uncomfortable settings, clothing, make up and hair… And then there’s the staying thin part.  If you are a working or aspiring model who wants to be successful in the industry you’ll need to have a sustainable way to stay looking […]

Raw Mess the Sober Vegan Thumbnail
the Fashion thumbnail

Clothes aren’t just for covering your body, they are a way to express yourself.  What better way to express yourself, as a vegan, than by making sure the clothes you buy aren’t contributing to animal suffering?  Below is a breakdown on what to avoid, when shopping for new threads, and what awesome alternatives are available to keep […]

the Traveling Vegan thumbnail

Making your lifestyle work at home becomes pretty easy once you’ve figured out what you like and know where to find everything you need.  But what about when you’re traveling?  Depending on where you are going some manuevering might be necessary, but planning ahead should make stressing out a non-issue. If you can get a […]

the Peaceful Dinner thumbnail

If  you’re lucky enough to be a raw vegan in California you’re better off than many across the nation.  This is one of the few states that has a plethora of health food stores and restaurants without apology.  Many of these places offer an array of decadent, filling, and beautifully crafted dishes.  A friend and I recently sat […]

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